Websites need a business plan.
There are lots of humorous anecdotes and hundreds of expert books on how and why to write a business plan, they are central topics in MBA modules, yet most people tend not to consider them when planning to build a website.
You really need one, your web developer will need one and your bank manager will need one.
I regularly refer to my copy of The Sunday Times ‘Business Plan Workbook’ and direct clients to the short exercises, they are invaluable. Take a weekend and read it, your business will be many times better off for it.
On the home page we ask you to list your main competitors and key phrases in order to be able to provide you with Market research and Competitive analysis which are major to your business plan and will help you manage you pricing and marketing strategies.
If you have a clear idea of your potential market, and where you would like to be in that market then your web team need to know in order to get you the results and measure their own success.